If this were 1923, this book would have been
called "Why Radio Is Going to Change the Game" . . . If it were 1995,
it would be "Why Amazon Is Going to Take Over the Retailing World" .
. .
The Thank You
Economy is about something big, something greater than any single revolutionary
platform. It isn t some abstract concept or wacky business strategy—it s real,
and every one of us is doing business in it every day, whether we choose to
recognize it or not. It s the way we communicate, the way we buy and sell, the
way businesses and consumers interact online and offline.
The Internet,
where The Thank You Economy was born, has given consumers back their voice, and
the tremendous power of their opinions via social media means that companies
and brands have to compete on a whole different level than they used to.
Gone are the
days when a blizzard of marketing dollars could be used to overwhelm the
airwaves, shut out the competition, and grab customer awareness. Now customers
demands for